louiseyang.dev/ (main) $ cat intro.txt
Oh hey, you found me! I'm a software developer practiced in building products from the ground up. Here's some stuff that I built or worked on recently. If you're interested in my professional gigs or contacting me, find me at the usual watering holes.
louiseyang.dev/ (main) $ ls projects/
- write!: keep writing or else all is lost. A writing tool to help you hit your word count.
- foodie friend: ask your foodie friend for restaurant recommendations around LA
- circle round: an unofficial Circle Round Alexa app (prototype) to play podcast episodes based on keywords
- can my dog eat: chatbot that answers "Can my dog eat ____" questions
louiseyang.dev/ (main) $ ls work/*.past
- Art19: podcast hosting
louiseyang.dev/ (main) $|